Platforms to collaborate in projects between coworkers

Effective collaboration is essential for the success of any team. With the growing demand for digital tools, several platforms have emerged to facilitate project management and communication between coworkers. Here are five examples of platforms that can transform the way your team collaborates: Trello, Slack, Asana, Microsoft Teams and

Trello is a project management tool that uses the Kanban methodology to help teams organize tasks visually. Trello boards allow users to create lists and cards that represent specific stages and tasks within a project. Its intuitive interface and flexibility make it ideal for teams of all sizes. Integrations with other applications such as Slack, Google Drive and GitHub facilitate an uninterrupted workflow.


Slack is a messaging platform designed for real-time team communication. It allows the creation of thematic channels, where team members can collaborate and share information easily. Direct messages and integrations with applications such as Trello and Asana improve the efficiency of the equipment. The Slack search feature allows users to quickly find important information, reducing the need for extensive emails.


Asana is a project management platform that helps teams plan, organize and manage their work effectively. It allows you to split work into projects, tasks and subtasks, and to set timeframes and dependencies for detailed planning. Asana offers personalized panels and reports to monitor the progress of the project, facilitating informed decision-making. Its ability to collaborate, including task assignments and comments, makes it ideal for complex projects.

4.Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates chat, videoconferences and Microsoft 365 applications in one place. It allows teams to communicate efficiently through channels, hold virtual meetings and collaborate in real-time documents. Integrations with tools such as OneDrive and SharePoint improve the workflow, allowing teams to easily access and share files. Teams also offers customization options through applications and bots. is a work management platform that allows teams to plan and track projects in a visual and collaborative way. It offers customizable dashboards where users can create and assign tasks, set due dates, and monitor progress. The chronogram, calendar and Kanban views provide different perspectives of the project. integrates with numerous tools, such as Slack, Google Drive and Trello, improving team coordination and productivity.

Choosing the right platform to collaborate in projects between coworkers can make a big difference in the efficiency and success of your team. Trello, Slack, Asana, Microsoft Teams and offer various functionalities that adapt to different needs and types of projects. Taking advantage of these tools, you can create a collaborative and effective work environment that enhances the productivity and cohesion of your team.

We are Centre de Negocis de Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

Improve your productivity thanks to the Pomodoro Technique

Productivity is a key objective in both the professional and personal spheres. In the search for strategies to improve it, a technique that has gained popularity is the Pomodoro Technique. This method, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 80s, promises to help you work more efficiently and manage your time better. In this article, we will explore what the Pomodoro Technique is, how to implement it and what benefits it can bring to your daily routine.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that is based on dividing work into short, focused intervals, called “pomodoros”, followed by short breaks. A typical pomodoro lasts 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. After completing four pomodoros, a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes is taken. This structure is designed to maintain high levels of concentration and motivation.

How to implement?

Implementing the Pomodoro Technique is simple and only requires a few steps:

  1. Choose a task: Select a specific task you want to complete.
  2. Set a timer: Set a timer for 25 minutes, the time of one pomodoro.
  3. Work on the task: Dedicate these 25 minutes exclusively to working on the chosen task. Avoid any distractions.
  4. Take a short break: When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break. Get up, lie down, or do something that relaxes you.
  5. Repeat the process: After four pomodoros, take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes to recharge.

Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique

  1. Increases concentration

By working in short, focused intervals, the Pomodoro Technique helps you stay focused on the task at hand. Knowing that you only need to focus for 25 minutes can make it easier to avoid distractions.


  1. Improve time management

This technique forces you to break down your tasks into manageable chunks, making it easier to plan and manage your time. In addition, scheduled breaks help prevent fatigue and exhaustion.


  1. Reduces procrastination

The structure of the Pomodoro Technique can be an effective tool against procrastination. By focusing on working for short periods and taking regular breaks, you’re less likely to put off your tasks.


  1. Encourages self-discipline

Consistent use of the Pomodoro Technique can help you develop greater self-discipline. By committing to working in specific blocks of time, you improve your ability to stick to a schedule and meet your goals.


  1. Increases productivity

The combination of increased concentration, better time management, and reduced procrastination leads to an overall increase in productivity. You will be able to complete more tasks in less time, with a higher quality of work.


Tips for maximizing the use of the Pomodoro Technique

– Eliminate distractions: Make sure to work in a distraction-free environment during each pomodoro. Turn off notifications and, if possible, create a dedicated workspace.

– Be flexible: Although 25 minutes is the standard time for a pomodoro, you can adjust the duration according to your needs and the type of task you are doing.

– Use support tools: There are numerous applications and timers designed specifically for the Pomodoro Technique. Using them can make it easier for you to implement this technique.


The Pomodoro Technique is a simple but effective strategy to improve your productivity. By dividing your work into manageable intervals and taking regular breaks, you can increase your focus, reduce procrastination, and better manage your time. If you are looking for a way to optimize your daily performance, the Pomodoro Technique may be the solution you need. Try it and see how it improves your productivity!


We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

How Poor Lighting Affects Work

Lighting in the workplace is a crucial factor that is often overlooked. Inadequate lighting can have a number of negative effects on employee productivity, health, and well-being. In this post, we will explore the main negative effects of poor lighting at work.

poor lighting at work

  1. Decreased productivity


Inadequate lighting can significantly reduce employee productivity. The lack of adequate light causes eye strain, making it difficult to concentrate and increasing the likelihood of making mistakes. Detailed and precise tasks become more difficult, reducing efficiency and increasing frustration. A dark environment can also demotivate employees, decreasing their overall performance.


  1. Increased stress and fatigue


Exposure to poor lighting increases stress and fatigue levels. The eyes have to work harder, causing headaches, blurred vision and eye strain. This extra effort can lead to a general feeling of exhaustion and negatively affect mood, leading to a decrease in morale and motivation. Accumulated stress can contribute to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.


  1. Long-term health problems


Prolonged exposure to poor lighting can have serious health consequences. Insufficient light can strain the eyes and contribute to vision problems such as myopia. Additionally, inadequate artificial light can disrupt circadian rhythms, affecting sleep and overall well-being. The lack of natural light is related to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that occurs at certain times of the year.


  1. Reduced job satisfaction


A poorly lit work environment can lead to a significant reduction in job satisfaction. Employees can feel uncomfortable and unmotivated in a shady and unwelcoming space. This can result in increased staff turnover and a decrease in commitment to the company. Dissatisfaction can affect communication and collaboration, negatively impacting team dynamics.

poor lighting at work

  1. Increased risk of accidents


Poor lighting at work can significantly increase the risk of accidents in the workplace. Reduced visibility makes it difficult to identify obstacles and potential hazards, which can lead to falls and trips. In industrial environments, poor lighting can make it difficult to safely operate machinery and tools, increasing the risk of injury. Ensuring good lighting is essential for the safety and well-being of employees.


Poor lighting can have a profound impact on employee performance, health, and satisfaction. However, there are several practical solutions that can help mitigate these negative effects such as taking advantage of natural light, installing adequate lighting, maintaining the cleanliness of the luminaires or adjusting the lighting for tasks.

Implementing these solutions can significantly improve well-being and productivity in the workplace, creating a healthier and more efficient environment for everyone.


We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

Let’s explore different types of freelancers

In the vast world of the freelance work, classifications are fundamental to better understand how this labour sector works. From those who work exclusively for a company to individual entrepreneurs who start their own business, there are a variety of categories that delimit the different facets of self-employment. Let’s take a closer look at some of these classifications.


Dependent self-employed workers

Dependent self-employed workers are those who carry out their economic activity for a single company or client, without having other significant income from other sources. This category implies a close and often exclusive employment relationship with an employer.


Main characteristics:

  • Dependence on a single client or company.
  • Absence of significant income from other sources.
  • Subordinated employment relationship with the client or company.


Legal and tax implications:

  • In some countries, dependent freelancers may receive employment benefits similar to employees, such as paid leave and social security.
  • They may be subject to specific regulations regarding the employment relationship and taxes.

Types of self-employed workers

Corporate self-employed workers

Corporate self-employed workers are those who work for a company of which they are partners, either as administrators or as self-employed workers. In this category, the self-employed participate in the management and benefits of society.


Main characteristics:

  • Participation in the management and decision-making of society.
  • They share the benefits and responsibilities of society.
  • They can act as administrators or work independently within the company.


Legal and tax implications:

  • Corporate freelancers may have additional legal and financial responsibilities as partners in the partnership.
  • They can enjoy certain tax advantages and asset protection when operating as part of a company.


Self-employed collaborators

Collaborating self-employed workers are relatives of self-employed workers who collaborate with them on a regular basis, without being considered employees. This category implies a special employment relationship between the self-employed worker and their collaborating family member.


Main characteristics:

  • Regular collaboration in the economic activity of the main self-employed worker.
  • Family bond with the self-employed worker.
  • They are not considered employees, but may be protected by certain labour rights.


Legal and tax implications:

  • Collaborating freelancers may be subject to specific regulations regarding their labour and tax rights.
  • They may have access to certain social and employment protection benefits as a result of their collaboration.

Liberal Professionals

Liberal professionals are those freelancers who exercise a regulated profession, such as lawyers, doctors, architects, etc. This category is distinguished by regulation and control specific to the profession in question.


Main characteristics:

  • Exercise of a profession regulated by specific regulations.
  • It requires professional training and qualification.
  • It may involve membership in professional associations or regulatory bodies.


Legal and tax implications:

  • Liberal professionals may be subject to strict regulations regarding their professional practice, including ethical and deontological regulations.
  • They may have specific tax and accounting obligations due to the nature of their professional activity.


Individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs are freelancers who start their own business, either as merchants, craftsmen, etc. This category focuses on the initiative and autonomy of the individual to create and manage their own business project.


Main characteristics:

  • Individual business initiative.
  • Management and independent operation of the business.
  • Direct responsibility for business success and failure.


Legal and tax implications:

  • Individual entrepreneurs can face additional challenges in terms of financing, marketing, and business management.
  • They may be subject to specific regulations regarding the creation and operation of your business, as well as tax and accounting obligations.

In conclusion, different classes of freelancers offer a variety of options and opportunities in the world of work. From those who work exclusively for a company to those who venture into the world of entrepreneurship, each category has its own characteristics, challenges and opportunities. It is important to consult local laws and regulations to fully understand the implications of each category and make informed decisions about your career as a freelancer.


We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

What is mentoring and how can it help you?

Mentoring is a technique or process that aims to establish a learning relationship between an inexperienced person on a topic or activity, and a “mentor”, that is, a person with previous experience in the field.

During this process, the mentor provides support, knowledge, skills, guidance, and all kinds of experiences to the other person to contribute to the achievement of the other person’s future goals.

Unlike other procedures, such as coaching, mentoring does not focus on achieving a specific goal, but serves as a reference to help you know how to face future situations, conversations or activities with the skills and tools acquired.

Therefore, it is important that in this process we establish a connection with our mentor based on mutual commitment, in order to perfectly understand their lessons thanks to this understanding and understanding.

As for how mentoring could help you, we list different benefits it can bring you:

  • Obtaining and developing skills: the information we learn will help us to work on what we want, developing hidden skills and learning new ones that can be useful in the future.

  • Personalized guidance: the mentor will get to know us and advise us according to our objectives, company or person. In this way, learning would be personalized for us and much more effective, since it will be adapted to our way of working and thinking.

  • Increased confidence and motivation: having as a reference other experiences and situations that the mentor will share with us, we will trust ourselves more and we will not be so afraid when executing different projects.
  • Improved decision-making: by having more self-confidence, being aware of the mistakes we make and knowing how to fix them, we will get an improvement in effective decision-making.

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espacio 114 together we form a team; We want to inspire and accompany you.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is the practice of companies taking responsibility for their impact on society and the environment, going beyond legal obligations and seeking to make a positive contribution to the general welfare.

CSR covers a wide range of issues, from environmental protection to community involvement and employee well-being. Here are some key aspects to consider when addressing CSR:

  • Ethics and Transparency: Companies must operate ethically and transparently in all their activities. This involves maintaining high standards of integrity in relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
  • Environmental Impact: Reducing the ecological footprint is fundamental in CSR. Companies can implement sustainable practices, such as reducing paper use, managing resources efficiently, and adopting renewable energy.
  • Community Engagement: Companies have a responsibility to contribute to the development of the communities in which they operate. This can include corporate volunteering programmes, donations to local organizations, and community development projects.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment is essential for CSR. Companies can promote equal opportunities, eliminate discrimination, and create policies that support diversity in all its forms.
  • Corporate Governance: Good governance is fundamental to CSR. Companies must establish transparent and accountable governance structures, with a clear separation between management and oversight.

In addition to these aspects, it is crucial for companies to integrate CSR into their organizational culture and throughout their operations. Not only does CSR benefit society and the environment, but it can also have a positive impact on company reputation, customer loyalty, and talent retention.

In short, Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of modern business strategy. By adopting sustainable and ethical practices, companies can make a significant contribution to the well-being of society and the planet, while driving their own long-term success. CSR is not only an ethical choice, but also a smart investment in the future.

Everything you need to know about netwoking

In today’s business world, networking is an indispensable tool for growth and success. As a Business Center in Badalona committed to business development, at Espai 114 we understand the importance of establishing and maintaining meaningful connections. Here we will tell you everything you need to know about networking and how it can benefit your company.


These are some of the benefits of networking for your business:


  • Transform your contacts into allies: Fostering close relationships with other professionals can open doors to new business opportunities and improve your reputation.
  • Keep up to date: In the constantly evolving business world, networking keeps you connected with the latest trends and customer needs, giving you a competitive advantage.
  • Online visibility: Maintaining an active presence on social networks and other online platforms increases your visibility, making you accessible to both potential partners and potential customers.
  • Information exchange: Networking allows you to obtain valuable information about competitors’ activities, customer needs and new market opportunities.
  • Increase trust: With more information and connections, your security and confidence in business decision making increases, giving you a solid foundation for growth.









Some key strategies to improve your networking:

  • Define your goals: Decide what you hope to achieve with your network of contacts, whether it is looking for new job opportunities, collaborators for specific projects, or simply advice and guidance in your career.
  • Research and choose the right events: Not all networking events are created equal. Choose events that align with your professional interests and goals. This can include conferences, seminars, sector events and local professional meetings.
  • Listen and connect authentically: In networking, it is important to listen as much as talk. Ask interested questions and show genuine interest in the people you meet. Sincerity and authenticity in your interactions can help build trusting relationships.
  • Offer value and help to others: A good networking strategy is not only about looking for what you can get, but also what you can offer. Help others by offering your knowledge, skills and resources.
  • Follow and keep in touch: After meeting someone at an event don’t forget to follow and keep in touch with them. Send a follow-up email or connect with them through social media.
  • Expand your network: Don’t just connect with people in your own field or industry. Expand your network by connecting with professionals from different sectors, areas of interest and levels of experience. This can open you up to fresh new opportunities and prospects that can enrich your career.


At Espai 114, we are committed to providing a safe and conducive environment for networking and business growth. With our coworking space and services adapted to the needs of companies, we aspire to be your strategic partner on the road to success.

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

Promote your company

Today, it is essential to use advertising to promote your company and show what it offers to the market. Both small and large companies adopt this strategy to reach as many people as possible.

To make your company visible in the main communication channels, it is necessary to implement different strategies to make your business visible and attract potential customers. Some of these strategies include:

Digital Content: With the current digitalization, the creation of content on the web, such as web pages or blogs, is crucial to establish an on-line presence that attracts a wide audience.

Promote your company


Social networks: Social networking platforms offer a great opportunity to share content related to your company, maintaining your visibility and allowing potential customers to have a first contact with your company.

Promote your company


Participation in events: Participation in events increases the visibility of your company, allowing direct contact with clients and other professionals, providing experience and promoting your brand, key to promote your company.

Promote your company


Press releases: The creation of press releases reaches audiences that may be far from the on-line world, promoting a more direct and tangible “presence”.

Promote your company

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.


The beginning of a new year gives us the opportunity to reflect on what we want to achieve, both personally and professionally. Purpose setting is often common practice, but how can we connect these purposes with our professional lives and make them a reality within the workplace?

Before setting resolutions for the year, it is crucial to do a professional self-assessment. What have been your successes and challenges over the past year? What areas of your work do you want to improve or develop? Identifying these areas will help you establish concrete and realistic purposes for your professional growth.

  1. Set smart goals

The purposes must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-delimited. For example, instead of simply saying “improve at work”, we could say “developing leadership skills by participating in specific courses during the first six months of the year”.

  1. Work-life balance

One of the most important purposes may be to find a better work-life balance. Establishing clear lines between work and personal time will improve your productivity and your overall well-being.

  1. Continuous professional development

Investing in your professional growth is key. You could include purposes such as learning new skills, participating in professional networks, or seeking growth opportunities in your industry.

  1. Encourage collaboration and communication

It can be a great purpose to improve communication and collaboration within the work environment. This can boost productivity, improve interpersonal relationships and promote a more harmonious work environment.

  1. Celebrate successes and learn from challenges

Don’t forget to celebrate successes, even small ones. This keeps motivation high. It is also important to learn from challenges and failures; These are opportunities to grow and improve.

  1. Follow-up

It is essential to keep track of purposes. Regularly review your goals, adjust them if necessary and make adjustments to continue advancing towards success.

In short, New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be exclusively personal. By connecting them with professional life, they become powerful tools for growth and success in the workplace.

What resolutions do you have in mind for the New Year and how do you plan to incorporate them into your professional life?

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

We wish you a happy entry into 2024!


The Christmas season comes with a mix of festive joy and potential distractions in the work environment. Between bright decorations, office parties and the excitement of the end of the year, maintaining high levels of productivity can become a challenge. However, with some tips, it is possible to harness the Christmas spirit and remain efficient at work.

  1. Set clear and realistic goals

During the holidays, it is essential to define specific goals to stay on course at work. Set realistic goals for you and your team, breaking tasks into concrete actions that can be addressed effectively.

  1. Manage your time effectively

The calendar can fill up quickly with Christmas events, but it’s crucial to protect time spent at work. Schedule specific moments to fulfill work responsibilities and avoid excessive multitasking, as this can decrease the quality of the work done.

  1. Create a festive and productive workspace

If you’re decorating your workspace for the holidays, make sure these decorations aren’t a distraction. Find a balance to create a pleasant environment that also encourages concentration.

  1. Set boundaries and practice self-control

Parties and social events can be tempting, but it’s important to set boundaries and maintain self-control. Make sure you don’t compromise adequate rest or mental and physical health for excess holiday commitments.

  1. Prioritize and delegate responsibilities

Identify the most important tasks and prioritize them. Also, if possible, delegate responsibilities to distribute the workload equitably among team members, allowing everyone to enjoy the holidays without affecting productivity.

The Christmas season should not be synonymous with a fall in labor productivity. With proper planning, setting clear boundaries and keeping the focus on professional goals, it is possible to enjoy the festive spirit without compromising efficiency at work. The key is to find the right balance between celebration and work performance.

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. At Espai 114 together we form a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.

Espai 114 wishes you a Merry Christmas!