
Do I fit in a coworking?

If you’re thinking of joining a coworking, but you think your profile won’t fit into this style of work, read on and find out what the profile of a coworker is. These are the most typical characteristics of the usual coworker.

According to “The World Survey on the Coworking World” this is the profile of a coworker:

It is usuallya young person, man to a greater extent, since 2 out of 3 coworkers are, although this data varies by profession.




The average coworker has university training. According to statistics, 75% have a completed bachelor’s degree. He is also a person linked and very close to new technologies, in addition to being satisfied with his job. Coworkers often identify as extroverted people, wanting to work and meet new people, as well as wanting to learn and make themselves known in the world of work.

The most common professions in coworkings are those of web developers and designers, public relations and marketing. The rest is made up of other professions such as artists, entrepreneurs, consultants or journalists.

Another fact to keep in mind is that most of those who make up coworking space are not self-employed, something contrary to what was believed. Only 44% are self-employed; the other 56% work for a company or own one. 18% are entrepreneurs with employees in charge and 35% depend on a company.




Do you fit into the typical coworker?

Whether you do it or not, coworking are spaces very open to all kinds of people and professions. From Espai 114 we invite you to come andtry the experience regardless of your profile. We believe that anyone can fit in with us and our workspace and we will be willing to provide you with our services. Contact us for more information. We’re waiting for you!

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In Espai 114 together we are a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.