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Tips for working as a freelancer after Covid-19

Below, we share three tips to work as a freelancer after the pandemic.

After Covid-19, both companies and workers face a very different scenario in all industries. Most sectors are affected by the pandemic, some have even been forced to change many aspects such as their strategies and processes. Sectors such as transport and deliveries are hiring workers with record rates.

As a result of the pandemic, a large number of workers are choosing to work as their own. As with all jobs, this has positive and negative aspects.



  • Learn to promote yourself.

As we have already mentioned, self-employed work has many benefits, but this entails a challenge when it comes to getting customers.

Currently, social networks play a very important role in the relationship between customers and companies. Joseph Bennett, director of Trade Skills 4U,explains: “Anyone who has a business should use the platforms to increase the reach of their customers.”


  • Have a space to work

One of the biggest challenges of being self-employed may be the change in working conditions. Those who plan to work from home should make sure to separate their personal life from the professional to find a balance. This is sometimes a difficult process and many choose to work in coworking spaces that allow them to have the same atmosphere in an office.


  • Manage your contacts

Over time you will generate a lot of contacts that will have to be managed.

The information of these contacts is very valuable if managed correctly.

Using customer management tools, called CRMs, we will be able to store, filter, manage and work on all this information and transform it into useful for our business.


In Espai 114 we have a coworking with individual tables for exclusive use. It is characterized by being a dynamic and efficient workspace, designed for entrepreneurs, freelance workers and independent professionals.


In addition, we have a multipurpose room that can be used for meetings, training, etc. and is equipped with WI-FI, projector, videoconferencing system among other things.

We also offer office rental in the same building for those professionals who need a more intimate space to work.


We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business.

In Espai 114 together we are a team; we want to inspire and accompany you.