Entries by espai114

Networking: Tools and Benefits

Networking consists of the exchange of information between professionals and companies, which share common interests, and which can lead to a work benefit. You never know who will be the person who can give us a new opportunity that will make our professional life take a turn.   Having a networking strategy can be a […]

How to take advantage of technology for remote work

In recent years we have all taken a step towards remote work. For this reason we must make sure that this type of work gives us the same or better results than working in the office. To do this, we need to create a distraction-free environment and choose the best remote work tools. Wherever you […]

Collaborative business: the keys to the collaborative economy

Building an innovative, sustainable and lucrative company is not an easy job. But if we partner with other professionals, this can change! This is how the collaborative business model emerges, giving rise to organizations with divergent and convergent synergies that change the rules of the game.   But what is a collaborative business? It is […]

What is democratic leadership?

Would you like to work in a team where everyone is heard and valued? This is what democratic leadership is all about, which we will explain below. It is a modern and effective management style, in which leaders work in collaboration with their team to reach common goals. It is a working method where the […]

5 successful tips

Here are a few tips to increase success when starting. The first of all is not to get carried away by emotions. It is essential to touch your feet on the floor. That is why building a good business plan will help increase probabilities of success. The second advice is to see mistakes as learning. […]

Mistakes entrepreneurs make

Starting a business is an adventure, and like all adventures, it involves certain risks. Some of these are avoidable, but others can be mistakes that throw your effort overboard. In this blog we will talk about the most common mistakes that tend to be made, whether due to lack of experience, ignorance of the business […]

5 apps to organize your schedule

Having good organization within your work environment is very important. That’s why we show you different tools that will make you more productive in your coworker routine. There are several applications that can help you organize your daily work with the aim of reaching your goals. Below we detail the five most useful and simple […]

What is the perfect work environment for a programmer?

The environment in which we work determines much of our performance at work. Si això passa amb la majoria dels treballs, encara més amb els programadors, que requereixen una gran capacitat de concentració.   Below we explain what you should take into account as a programmer to find your ideal workspace. TEMPERATURE The temperature in […]