Coworking entries

Synergies between Espai 114 and Lladó Consultor Group
Espai 114 is a support space for entrepreneurs and businessmen,…

Coworking growth
Coworking growth is exponential. Today, coworking is a well-known…

International Women's Day
Today, March 8, International Women's Day, we commemorate as…

Separating the workspace from the personal space
If your workspace is the same as the personal space, you may…

Offices in Badalona: Espai 114
In Espai 114 we have a service for renting offices in Badalona…

What is a Business Center
In case you still don't know for sure what a Business Center…

Order your workplace with Marie Kondo
Tidy up your workplace, both what it's seen it and what doesn't.…

Advantages of flexiworking
The socio-labor reality has changed in the last…

Disconnect from work on holiday
At last comes that moment of the year so desired by all, the…

Coliving: Beyond coworking
The way we relate to our work evolves and increasingly does it…
Recent Posts
- Discover the best coffee shops near Espai114
- How to interact with your colleagues in a coworking space and get the most out of it
- Working as a self-employed and salaried worker at the same time: a guide to pluriactivity
- Discover the advantages of the Business Center
- Entrepreneurship tools in Badalona