Coworking entries

Desconnecta del treball

Disconnect for holidays, to connect with you and your loved ones

Nowadays it is difficult to disconnect completely from our…
flexibilitat horària

Flexible schedule: advantages for your company

Flexible schedule is increasingly implemented by companies. You…
Com conciliar fent teletreball

How to have a good work-life balance doing telework

Having a good work-life balance doing telework can seem difficult.…

Tips for the life of a freelancer

A freelancer is a person who is self-employed and is in charge…

How to Motivate the Work Team

How to motivate the work team? A leader who guides his team…
startups espai 114

What is a startup?

Startup in Spain: in 2021 our country has multiplied by four…

Return from holiday and how to deal with it

How to deal with the return from holidays?   Once September…

Entrepreneurship in times of (post)pandemic

Are you thinking about starting an entrepreneurship and you are…

Do I fit in a coworking?

If you're thinking of joining a coworking, but you think your…

Synergies between Espai 114 and Lladó Consultor Group

Espai 114 is a support space for entrepreneurs and businessmen,…



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