Com conciliar fent teletreball

How to have a good work-life balance doing telework

Having a good work-life balance doing telework can seem difficult.…
landing page

Landing page: what is it and what is it for?

A landing page is a page within a website that is specifically…

Tips for the life of a freelancer

A freelancer is a person who is self-employed and is in charge…
Què és i per què serveix un pla de màrqueting

What is a marketing plan and what it is for?

The marketing plan is a document where we find an analysis of…
Les 7 Habilitats més demandades per les empreses

The skills that companies demand the most

Do you want to know what skills companies most ask for? The…
Maneres de trencar el gel en una videotrucada

Ways to break the ice in a video call

The pandemic has meant a before and after in the world of work.…

How to Motivate the Work Team

How to motivate the work team? A leader who guides his team…
consells treballar com autònom

Tips for working as a freelancer after Covid-19

Below, we share three tips to work as a freelancer after the…
Les 5 A del màrqueting

The 5 "A" Marketing

The 5 "A" of marketing is a new marketing strategy is the new…
barcelona referent mundial

Barcelona and Badalona as a business center

Barcelona is a global benchmark for startups, although the most…



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