Coworking entries

crecimiento coworking

Coworking growth

Coworking growth is exponential. Today, coworking is a well-known…
dia internacional de la mujer

International Women's Day

Today, March 8, International Women's Day, we commemorate as…
espacio laboral

Separating the workspace from the personal space

If your workspace is the same as the personal space, you may…
despatxos al centre de badalona

Offices in Badalona: Espai 114

In Espai 114 we have a service for renting offices in Badalona…
business center

What is a Business Center

In case you still don't know for sure what a Business Center…
ordena tu lugar de trabajo

Order your workplace with Marie Kondo

Tidy up your workplace, both what it's seen it and what doesn't.…

Advantages of flexiworking

Flexiworking. The socio-labor reality has changed in the last…
desconectar del trabajo

Disconnect from work on holiday

At last comes that moment of the year so desired by all, the…
Coliving y coworking

Coliving: Beyond coworking

The way we relate to our work evolves and increasingly does it…
Alquiler de local

Economic difference between rental location and business center

When we take the step to set up our business in a physical place…



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