Entries by espai114

Multicultural coworking

One of the most notorious features of Coworking is the diversity of profiles that use them. And we not only mention the types of professionals, we also refer to their origin. Working in a multicultural environment can help us to enrich ourselves culturally and significantly improve the following aspects: Communication: Normally, different languages ​​are spoken […]

Networking for the success of your business

Anglicism “networking” is a well-known veteran in the business world. It is considered one of the best strategies to expand your network of contacts, especially if you are an entrepreneur. The objective of this technique is, above all, to connect with people who need what you offer or who can recommend you to those who […]

Financial intermediation or financial broker

Do you know what financial intermediation is? When it comes time to buy a home and borrow from your financial institution, doubts always arise. If you have to start a business, you are forced to make some investment in assets. You think your trusted bank will figure it out for you. But all of a […]

Cohabitation in a Coworking space

Many freelancers and entrepreneurs need a space to work, but they cannot afford it. Coworking is the solution for these independent professionals, putting in their service spaces where they can develop their ideas. Not only that, as the word“Coworking” says, it is about cooperating with others and getting more out of ideas among all. Our […]

Team leadership

Team leadership and management can seem like a simple job, but if managed poorly can end up giving serious problems. That’s why decision makers in a business organization need to know how to lead a group of people. Some people think that leader and boss is the same, but this statement is not true, they […]

Tuppers and Coworking!

  With the return to the after-summer routine also returns the puzzle of preparing the takeaway to the office every day Coworking or, failing that, eating every day out with the expense that this entails and the consequent mismatch in our food. Because we already know that in the restaurant we usually ask for what […]

Summer coworking

We’d be fooling ourselves if we said we’re just as productive in summer as we were in the rest of the year. Heat, beach or summer plans can play a role. Are you one of those people who can’t afford to disconnect from work in the summer? Working in a Coworking can be a very […]

Form yourself for free!

Do you know the subsidized formation? Whether you are active at work or unemployed, you have probably wondered at some point how to reinvent yourself, improve your skills and open up new opportunities in the workplace. Formation is the most useful tool to improve your resume and grow professionally. What is subsidized formation? They are […]

The 8 advantages of coworking

Coworking is a life and work philosophy that allows different professionals and entrepreneurs to share the same workspace to develop their projects. This workspace can be both physical and virtual. What are the advantages of working in a coworking space? It allows you to access a low cost professional space. It encourages social relations between […]