Order your workplace with Marie Kondo

Tidy up your workplace, both what it’s seen it and what doesn’t. Marie Kondo can talk to us about organization. In case you don’t know her, Marie Kondois an expert organizer, a large entrepreneur and considered in 2015 to be one of the 100 most influential people in the world by the Time magazine. Well, he’s written a new book, “Joy at work”. This one will try to help us get more out of our businesses, waste less time, lead our teams better and enjoy our workday. At least, interesting, right?

The benefits of organizing actually go far beyond the domestic realm and are easily applicable to our professional life. Marie’s advice will help us optimize our time, be efficient, and focus on the most important tasks. Limit the number of unnecessary meetings that you could solve with a simple email. Learn to prioritize.


marie kondo

The order expert explains that searching for lost items averages one work week per year and employee. Within four years, that reaches a full month. In the United States alone, this loss of productivity would be $8.9 billion annually. Another example is a survey of workers in the US and the UK, about the loss of productivity for forgetting passwords that reaches at least $420 per employee annually. In a company of about 25 people, that equates to more than $10,000 a year.

Thus seen, the effects of disorder are devastating but, according to Kondo, there is no need to worry. Organizing is the solution. And here are the tips to keep your workplace organized:


sort desk

1. Organize both physical workspace and non-physical aspects including time, decision making, team management, meetings and social media.

In a survey of a thousand active American adults, 90% felt that disorder had a negative impact on their lives. Low productivity, a negative mindset, little motivation and little happiness. It is important to maintain a well-orderedworkspace, whether inthe office, coworking or working from home, as we spend many hours at work.

Among some of Marie’s tips for maintaining order at work, one of them is assigning a specific place for each thing, seeking maximum simplicity, and not dispersing storage spaces.


2. Choose only what awakens our joy.

If we ask ourselves ‘does this bring me joy?’ we discover what is really important to us. It has been shown that ordering the workplace improves performance and consequently increases the joy we get from our work.

When you get rid of all the unnecessary and have a well-ordered workspace, you’ll see your energy renewed.



3. Avoid excesses.

When we are inundated with things, information and tasks, our brains get overwhelmed and we lose our sense of control and the ability to choose. We are no longer able to take the initiative or choose our actions, we forget that work is a means to realize our dreams and aspirations and we lose our love for our work.


4. Embrace minimalism

In relation to the previous point, excess belongings are often friends with disorder and chaos. Remember the premise of “less is more” to apply it to all areas of your life. Stop accumulating the tickets and invoices you save just in case, delete old emails and throw away everything you no longer need. Here you have a Netflix series about Minimalism.


sort your workplace

5. Take breaks.

From time to time you have to stop and perform some muscle stretches. And let’s not forget to let the email rest too.


Remember: sort your workplace to keep your mind and ideas neat.

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business.

In Espai 114 we are a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.



Mobile phone addiction in coronavirus times

The truth is that there are many people addicted to mobile and most likely they don’t know it yet, especially since its use has been so normalized that it is not uncommon to see someone walking down the street and looking at the smartphone.

Nomophobia is the word that defines this addiction and means “irrational fear of being without the mobile phone. This word comes from: “no mobile phone phobia”.


  • Use your mobile phone while watching TV or just have it on, but paying attention only to the phone.
  • The person is constantly keeping an eye on the phone, even when they are with more people having a conversation.
  • If the person is nervous or irritated when they don’t have their mobile phone nearby, if they don’t have coverage or are running out of battery.
  • When you get to have physical problems such as muscle contractures, dry eyes…
  • Steal your sleep hours to dedicate them to social media.


There are some apps to check if you’re addicted, which make a statistic of how many times you unlock your phone. This way you can see if you really overuse.



At the moment that we are living, there is also the danger to the over-manipulation of this gadget.

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, people have had to confine ourselves to our homes and this has caused virtually the whole world to be paralyzed.

Leisure platforms like Netflix or HBO have a lot of subscribers these days. Schools and universities, to track classes, use programs like Blackboard or Google Classroom, and companies want to standardize contact with their employees through meetings through Teams, as most temworks are working from home these days.

In addition to these applications, along with WhatsApp, Skype and the like are allowing us to be in touch with our entire social circle,separated by the covid-19 quarantine.



Therefore, there are a large number of people connected for most of the day for one reason or another.

So, at this time more than ever, we must be vigilant and make responsible use of mobile phone and technology. And is that“the more exposure, the greater the risk”. This is what specialists in technological addictions argue.

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business.

In Espai114we are a team; We want to inspire you and accompany you.



Team leadership

Team leadership and management can seem like a simple job, but if managed poorly can end up giving serious problems.

That’s why decision makers in a business organization need to know how to lead a group of people.

Some people think that leader and boss is the same, but this statement is not true, they are two totally different concepts. The team leadership style is very different if you are a leader or if you are a boss, so it is very important to know how to differentiate them, as well as know what their characteristics and ways of acting are.

In short, a boss focuses on meeting the company’s goals in the times that are required regardless of the emotional component of their work team. On the other hand, the leader is in charge of the management of work teams taking into account the emotional component of his work team, and usually has training or knowledge in emotional intelligence.

A leader is the kind of manager that companies have to maintain and avoid losing in their organization, because they will know how to get the best out of the people who make up their team in order to achieve the goals set.

Every leader has to obtain and develop skills that allow him to lead a team, and sometimes these capabilities are already present in the person himself, and sometimes not. Fortunately with a lot of work and good training we can develop these capabilities.

La Sala from Espai114 offers several 100% subsidized courses, including the Team leadership course .

This course aims to help you achieve the following goals to be a good team leader:

  • Incorporate learnings of new ways of being.
  • Produce a change in the way you observe situations to declare opportunities.
  • Take action based on what you want to achieve, promoting commitments to the results, separating you from your explanations.
  • Lead teams with self-awareness and control.
  • Know how to define and identify leadership situations.
  • Define goals for a group you have to lead.
  • Incorporate motivational tools into team leadership
  • Incorporate group leadership conflict negotiation techniques.


Need to improve your leadership skills and be a good leader for your team? If so, don’t hesitate to sign up through our website!

We are the Business Center of Badalona, to give visibility and possibilities to your business. In Espai114 together we are a team; we want to inspire you and accompany you.






Business Center in Badalona

From Espai 114 we want to approach to Badalona a different business center, a meeting point foropportunities and support forentrepreneurship, freelance workers and remote work.


We are a modern coworking , with facilities and with the location that your business needs, in the center of Badalona.


We not only offer a common space among entrepreneurs in coworking format or individual offices, but we provide solutions to many of the concerns and problems that may arise along your business way.


OurRoom recieves training, negotiations, product presentations and services, as well as work interviews or conventional meetings. All this is possible thanks to the versatility and possibilities of our room, easily adaptable to any eventual need.


In this blog we will tell you some clues that can help you in your business development and other topics of interest.


We will give you support in such fundamental aspects as the financial one. Offering financial solutionswith the most appropriate product in the most appropriate financial institution, tailored to your project.


We will develop topics that we will transform in free face-to-face courses, as we suggest trainings related to managerial and sectorial skills. Even if necessary, we can create the training courses that most interest you.


In this blog we will be updated at work, tax and legal fields, so that you give safe steps in your day to day. We will do it by the hand of LLADÓ GRUP CONSULTOR. A team of professionals (economists, lawyers, labor consultants…) with proven experience and great reputation in the business consulting sector.


We are the Badalona’s Business Center, to give visibility and possibilities to your business.

In Espai114 together we are a team; we want to inspire and accompany you.